How to wear BOB hair wig

How to wear BOB hair wig

The popular fashion BOB hair type is very embarrassing, but it is reluctant to cut the three thousand hair, it is fortunate that the BOB head wig can meet the requirements of MM, now learn the skills of wearing BOB wig with Xiaobian Well, soon you can also take the ultra-stylish BOB head out of the street.

I want to change the shape of the MM often, but I don’t want to hurt my hair, so wearing a wig is their wise choice. If you want to wear it well and wear it realistically, let us learn from the teacher!


1. Divide the hair into the back zone (the ear part to the top of the head) and the sides (the top of the head is divided into two sides)

2. Finish the hair in the back area, braid the hair in the form of three strands, and fix the hair up.

3, the hair on both sides of the top is also treated the same, the head part of the head should be fixed

4, use hair to cover the hair

5, put on the human hair wigs uk and combed well, the big beauty is finished

Categorized as hair wigs